Payments and refunds policy

Payments between users

Payments for reservations made between users will be settled between the respective users only. The spirit of this website is that all payments should involve cryptocurrencies only, and no fiat. Nevertheless, users can agree to settle in any other form of currency, should there be any unexpected difficulties using cryptocurrencies at the time of payment.

Staynsee takes no part in payments between users, as those occur outside of our website. We charge no fees or commissions. This implies as well that we are not responsible for any mishappenings during the payment phase, but we always remain open to provide any possible assistance.

Payments to our website

The use of our website is free, but should we in the future require payments in any way, after placing the order you will be redirected to an integrated cryptocurrency payment page which will additionally show a QR code for simplicity. The amount shown for payment in crypto will be calculated in real time derived from the reference value in USD. You must always transfer the exact amount indicated, with all the decimals. Otherwise your payment might be rejected. Before sending the funds, we strongly recommend to compare the amount shown to some external cryptocurrency markets tracker like Coinmarketcap, Coingecko or similar. Amounts will always differ slightly due to our payment gateway selecting an average of several exchanges to calculate prices.

Once our system detects that the transaction is approved, the page will show a confirmation notice and you can then leave the page. In some cases you will automatically be redirected to a new page.

Staynsee is not responsible for any loss of funds related to:

  • A user sending funds to a wrong address
  • A users’ software (wallet) failure
  • Any exchange portal (Binance, Coinbase, etc…) blocking the transaction
  • Any other situation that is not strictly related to our own systems

In case a payment page is not being displayed, or amounts (fiat or crypto) are erroneous, please contact us. We can always manually create payment links and orders if the automatic system fails.


In exceptional circumstances we might issue a refund if there is good reason to believe that the user unintentionally paid for the wrong product, but blockchain fees will be charged on the user. This means that the user will get back the amount we received minus the fees that the blockchain will charge us automatically.

Refunds between users after making a reservation and paying for it will be dealt with according to the listing’s provider own refunds policy, if any. Staynsee is not responsible for any refunds between users.

Sign In


Usernames are used to log into your account, not for public display. Keep it easy. You can set a "nice" public name after registering. Use a maximum of 10 letters, numbers, hyphens (-) or underscores (_) only.

Reset Password

Please enter your username or email address, you will receive a link to create a new password via email.